Monday, May 21, 2007

Changes at the Strom Household

May was definitely a time for change in our household and things have been busy, busy, busy (hence why no postings recently). I went back to work on May 1st and Matt became the stay-at-home dad.

How’s it going? I am very busy at work with several activities that I have needed to jump into but I’m really enjoying the time at work. I still miss the babies and probably call home too often for Matt’s liking because I want to know how the babies are doing. Matt is doing an outstanding job. I think the first week was a bit tiring but he has got the boys on a great schedule for naps, feedings, playtime, etc. They absolutely love their daddy!

Here are some highlights from the past month....

Daddy taught us to read!!!!
Above: Jacob reading

Above: Joseph reading
The boys are just growing up so quickly. They jabber constantly and they love when anyone talks to them. They are getting very strong. Joseph rolls over easily from front to back and will sometimes roll from back to front. Jacob will rollover from front to back with encouragement. Matt works with them everyday on holding their head and body up and rolling over.

Big Boys Jacob (left) and Joseph (right)

We love each other!!!!
Jacob (left) and Joseph (right)

We got a new glider for the nursery...
Joseph (left) and Jacob (right)

And had a great visit with Uncle Ethan and Aunt Joan from Seattle!

We took the boys into the Sears portrait studio and I ordered way too many photos because Joseph and Jacob did such a good job and looked so handsome. Here’s a sneak peak of some of the photos taken…

The Strom Family

Jacob and Joseph (token naked photos)

They also had their 4 month doctor’s checkup. Joseph is now 16 lbs 13 oz and is 24 1/2 inches long. Believe it or not, Joseph is in the 90% percentile for a full-term singleton baby. Jacob is 15 lbs 10 oz and is 23 3/4 inches long. Jacob is in th 75% percentile.
We are very blessed to have very healthy and as you can see growing babies!!!!!