Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Homecoming Pictures

The boys have been alarm free since Saturday, eating twice as much as a week ago, and both have gained excellent weight! So home we go....

Jacob and Joseph bundled up and ready to go.


Joseph was discharged with a remarkable weight of 5 lbs 7 oz and Jacob reached 5 lbs 4 oz. We are all home now, had lunch and are ready for naps!!!

Week Two at the Hospital

The boys really started eating more and growing during the second week. Though they have been in cribs during the second week, they were still connected to the monitors for apnea alarms. They were almost able to come home on Sunday, but both babies had breathing disruptions on Saturday afternoon.

Here are a few photos from the last week....

Jacob and Joseph - 1 week 4 days
Mom with Jacob

Dad with Joseph

Joseph and Jacob sharing a nap together

Thursday, January 25, 2007

One Week Old



Dad with Jacob and Joseph

5 Days Old

Joseph (left) and Jacob (right)

Photos of the Babies!!!

Jacob (left) and Joseph (right) - One Day Old

They're Here - Joseph William and Jacob Matthew

I'm finally posting the baby details! After being induced on Wednesday night, I went through some hard labor for the evening. Unfortunately, things did not progress exactly as wanted and contractions stopped on Thursday. Due to some concern on one of the babies not growing consistently over the last 3 weeks, they decided to schedule a C-section for Thursday evening.

Joseph William Strom was born Thursday, January 18th at 8:31 pm at 4 lbs 12 oz, 18 inches
Jacob Matthew Strom was born Thursday January 18th at 8:33 pm at 4 lbs 12 oz, 17 1/4 inches

The babies are still in special care at Beaumont Troy Hospital. They are progressing well. Both were in incubators with IV's the first few days. Now they are in cribs maintaining their temperature but being monitored for apnea (which they have to be free of incidents for 5 days before being released). They will probably stay in the hospital for another week so we are visiting for feedings as often as possible.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It's Time!!!!

Okay....this is doctor just called and asked me to come in to be induced. Oh my word....a little shocked, nervous and have absolutely no idea what to do. So I'm putting together my bags, Matt and his mom are going to take me in to William Beaumont Hospital in Troy and we're going to have babies!!!!!!

Stay tuned.....

Monday, January 15, 2007

35 weeks 4 days and Still Waiting...

Went in for an ultrasound again today. Both Matt and Matt's mom were able to come along. The babies are healthy -- good heartbeats, lots of movement and both were doing their breathing exercises. Joseph's head has dropped down so I'm really hoping that I'll be dialated at my doctor's appointment on Thursday. The growth measurements didn't quite show the growth they were expecting on one of the babies so they're sending me back down to Beaumont Royal Oak for a more detailed ultrasound to see how the placenta's holding up and if both babies are getting the proper nutrition. I hope to get this appointment booked soon so we can make sure all is well. Here's some more photos...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Pregnancy Status

Well...I'm still pregnant, filled with mixed emotions. The good news is that the doctor's are extremely happy with how healthy the babies are and how well I'm holding up. I guess the bed rest really paid off because I am now 35 weeks this weekend and they are still in my tummy. In fact, the doctors feel that we can deliver at Beaumont Troy which is a smaller, newer facility. Throughout the pregnancy, we were always going to Beaumont Royal Oak which has the outstanding Neonatal unit. The doctors feel that the babies are big and healthy enough that they are past the risks requiring Royal Oak's special facilities. Great news!

We have an ultrasound on Monday, January 15th to check the babies growth. They should both be over 5 lbs maybe even more! So needless to say, I'm ready to have these guys. I spent so many weeks trying not to have them that it's definitely a mind shift to "okay, whenever you're ready." And I'm definitely ready!

I received a call yesterday from my OB/GYN's office to schedule my induction. I was rather surprised, completely not expecting the call. The lady was quite friendly and said that the doctor knew that we did not want to go past a certain timeframe so they wanted to schedule a induction/delivery date ahead of time. I eagerly agreed but was a bit disappointed when she said how about February 4th. That's 3 weeks away. Do you know how big these boys could get in 3 weeks?????? She assured me that this was just the date that they knew I should not go beyond for the babies safety. If I go into labor before this date, great or if any issues arise the date could be moved earlier. So I've decided that once I verify the boys weight on Monday, I'm going to be as active as I can at this size to get things moving along.

The good news is that I've got company now. Matt's mom and dad arrived on Wednesday. It's great having someone around to talk to. And Matt's mom, Donna, is right with me on getting these babies moving on out!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Ultimate Faithful Companion

Here is our beautiful golden retriever, Rusty. He has been such a great companon while I've been on bed rest. He stays by my side at all times giving me all the love only a dog could give.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Pregnant and Huge (33 wks 5 days)

Even though I've been trying to avoid any photos being taken during this pregnancy, my dear husband asked to take my photo this morning (very kindly) just in case the boys come soon.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

So the resolution for this year is to maintain my blog so that I post more than twice in one year.

Since I was so slack last year, here's a quick recap of 2006....

It’s been an exciting and busy year for us. Matt started the year off working in Oshawa, Ontario. Both the travel and job got to be a bit much. Luckily, Matt was offered a job at Fanuc Robotics in March (a company that Matt originally worked for about 10 years ago). His new job did not involve nearly as much traveling and most of his projects were in the Detroit metro area. Tamara was still working on her special assignment with Steel shortage issues at GM in Pontiac until May when she finally started the position she was hired for in Michigan. She is enjoying working on material investment and feasibility studies for potential future vehicle programs.

We were very excited to find out in June that we were pregnant. There were still some reservations about the pregnancy as we had both been through an emotional 6 months after two miscarriages. Imagine our joy when we not only saw one, but two heartbeats at the first ultrasound in late June! We were referred to a perinatologist at Beaumont Hospital to monitor the pregnancy as it was considered high risk because the babies were in the same gestational sac. The doctors were also concerned because they thought the babies were also sharing an amniotic sac. The next ultrasound provided great relief because even though they were sharing a placenta, each baby did have their own amniotic sac – much less risk! As many of you already know, we have found out that they are definitely identical boys. The official due date is February 17th, but I am currently on bed rest in the hopes that I can hold off having the babies until at least week 34 (January 7th).

There's been many big house projects this year especially in the last few months to try and get any major rennovations finished before the babies arrived. The things that are finally done…

  • New Roof
  • New windows and sliding glass doors
  • New siding and gutters
  • New garage door
  • New hardwood floors in entry, dining room and kitchen
  • Doorway from garage to kitchen moved with new door installed
  • New electrical wiring in garage (Great job, Matt)
  • Stripped the deck – amazing how it looks like new
  • Tiling in laundry and downstairs bath

Now we just are getting for the biggest change of our lives....two babies!!!!

We hadn't been able to get a profile ultrasound of Jacob until Friday's prenatal visit on December 29th, so the technician treated us to this wonderful 3D photo.

Both babies gained 9-10 ounces since the last visit. Joseph now weighs 4 lbs 9 oz and Jacob weighs 4 lbs 2 oz.

Here is the ultrasound of Joseph on December 19th at my 31 week prenatal visit. He was measured at 4 lbs!