Sunday, February 24, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Couch

Just like the wire & wood mentioned in this morning's post, the couch is a big favorite with the boys. For some reason, they love being on the couch -- sitting, standing, running, laughing, screaming.

Here they were stripping off their socks and pants and throwing them on the floor...

Jacob taking a quick break....

Here is Jacob taking off his socks (they ended up on the floor, of course)....

Joseph, getting ready to make a move...

Our Morning

After having a yummy breakfast (milk, pancakes & oranges), the boys started taking every toy out of every bin and PLAYING...

It's amazing how some wood shapes on metal wires is such a great toy....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hi Daddy - we miss you!

Daddy is in Minnesota.

Joseph says "Hi".....
Jacob says "Hi"....
We love you and miss you.....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The "Snowman"

We have had a ton of snow this winter and the boys have had some time in the sleds & snowboarding (earlier post). But with a sudden warm-up and pouring rain on Sunday, the snow was melting fast but packing well. So here's a pretty pathetic snow man to give the boys a bit of a giggle...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Silly Boys

Here's Joe on the move....playing under the table...

Making a quick escape into the open...

Can't resist the tub....

Not too graceful....
Mission accomplished....

Another favorite game, one in the playplen & one on the outside - they love it....

Some new stuffed toys - monkeys!!! They wear them around the house, hug & kiss them all the time...
Whether clothed or naked, the tubs are the place to be!

Joseph in the tub...
Jacob in the tub....

Saturday, February 09, 2008


The boys experienced their first "ski" experience. This morning, we met our friends Brian and Rochelle at Alpine Valley (a nearby ski resort). Brian and Matt took the boys down the bunny slope for a little bit of snowboarding...

And a little video of one trip down the hill...

Friday, February 08, 2008

Big Boys Having Fun

Matt started staying home with the boys again this past week and have the boys been having fun! Here's some of the photos that he's taken this week...

Jacob has figured out how to climb on the play table...

Just a couple of "hoodlums" -

Running around, playing with all their toys...

Joseph, happy as can be...

And Jacob too...

One of their favorite places - the bookshelf -

Jacob sharing kisses with Joseph...

Then crawling on top of him....

They love to climb in things...