Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our Big Beautiful Babies are 5 months old!

Okay, I know that I'm posting very infrequently (averaging once a month) - how horrible. So that means that the boys are already 5 months old. We weighed them and Joseph is 19 pounds and Jacob is 18 pounds. Yikes! They are so much fun now. They love to laugh and play and both have fun personalities. They are already eating baby cereal and baby food!

Here's some photos of Joseph and Jacob from the last couple days.....

Joseph (left) & Jacob (right)

Joseph, Matt & Jacob (left to right)

Above is Joseph. Even though they both have been sleeping through the night very well. Joseph loves to move to the edge of the crib & stick his legs & arms out (already trying to escape). When he gets stuck, he wakes up screaming. We remove him from the edge, he goes back to sleep, & within a short time, he rolls back to the edge like the picture shows. Chubby little legs don't fit so well between the slats. We now have a crib bumper to keep Joseph "in"!

Above: Joseph

Above: Jacob