Thursday, March 29, 2007

The "New" Family Vehicle

Well, my loving husband voluntarily gave up his beloved pickup truck so we could get "the family vehicle." We have actually survived decently with the little Saturn Ion and pickup for the last couple months. Our poor dog hasn't been able to go anywhere with us, but the four of us have ventured out and utilized creative packing during trips to Costco.

No more tight rides and jammed cabs of groceries...look at this monster. Here's our GMC Yukon XL....

We have been looking for a good used Suburban with low miles and a reasonable price (under $30,000 - yes isn't that crazy for a used vehicle). We were lucky to find the GMC version of the Suburban meeting the above criteria and not giving up the luxuries Matt loved about his truck (leather, heated seats, XM, tow package, etc). And everyone fits - VERY COMFORTABLY!

Now we're ready for those family road trips!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Our Weekend with the Boys

I love this shot of both boys. Don't they look so much alike?

Joseph (left)
Jacob (right)

And check out Jacob's left eyebrow. That is so Matt (I can't raise one eyebrow like that).

Joseph (left) and Jacob (right)

Joseph (left) and Jacob (right)

We're loving this sunny and warm weather. Here are the boys after a walk through the neighborhood.Joseph (left) and Jacob (right)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Two Month Weigh-In

The boys were wide awake this morning in anticipation of their doctor's visit....
Joseph and Jacob ready to go

Jacob doing "Tummy Time" on Joseph

"Okay, Mom, let's go!"

Joseph weighs in at 11 lbs 8 oz

Jacob weighs in at 10 lbs 8 oz

Here's Matt with the boys after being checked out by the doctor. The boys are very healthy and as you can tell, gaining good weight!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Two Months Old!!!

We're two months old today!! And aren't we getting big....

Jacob and Joseph

Jacob and Joseph

Joseph doing "tummy time" on Matt - isn't he getting strong?

And here's some other cute photos from the last couple days...


Joseph and Jacob

Joseph and Jacob showing off their t-shirts and big bellies

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Trip Down Memory Lane....Our Wedding

This is for our dear friend, Melissa, who has been there for Matt and I since the beginning of our relationship. Here is a link to two sets of photos on that show hundreds of photos from our wedding. These are not the ones from the official photographer (though just as good) but were taken by our good friend, Brian Snabes.

Enjoy, everyone (you may be in some of these photos if you were there)!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go

Jacob (left) and Joseph (right) in Baby Gap
The boys will be 2 months old on Sunday and they are now just getting big enough to wear the 0-3 month clothing and not look ridiculous. So even though we had no place to go and no visitors, I had to put these outfits on Joseph and Jacob. Aren't they cute?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Man's (& Babies') Best Friend

Our beautiful golden retriever Rusty has been such a great dog around the babies. He was definitely overwhelmed when they first arrived home...lots of new noises, smells, equipment around the house! But now he is very gentle and protective around the babies, always looking over them.

Identical Twins

Oh no...I have found myself getting the boys confused in the last couple days. I'm not sure if it's because I am so darn tired or they are looking more and more alike. What do you think? Time to break out the nail polish on the toes?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

How Things Change

We are quickly realizing how babies take over your life and house! We're slowing losing real estate in our living room as more "baby stuff" acculumate. You probably saw in an earlier post the two swings that we needed. We also have a Graco playpen and double bassinet plus change table in the living room. Of course, we have a change table/dresser with the two cribs upstairs. Now as we are learning how important the babies need "tummy time" - we have two playmats on the floor also.

The need to finish the basement for additional living space if fast approaching!

Jacob and Joseph on their new mats for Tummy Time
Joseph working out

Jacob working out

Joseph resting

Jacob resting

It's a bit crowded for both babies on one mat!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Photos from our Trip to Minnesota

Well we have arrived back safely in Michigan late last night. It's good to be home but now we're trying a new routine. Matt went to work this morning and I am home with the babies alone. I was going to attempt some errands today with the boys but as there is rain/sleet/snow falling with icy roads, I think that I'll just stay put.

Here's some more photos from our trip. If you want to see all the photos, you can visit my photo album at

Joseph and Jacob napping at Bob and Shonna's
Matt watching TV with our niece Anna

Jacob finished with Bath - all clean!

Joseph finished with Bath

Family photo

We stopped off in Chicago to visit my friend Wendy who I've known since childhood. Unfortunately, we missed her husband David who I went to college with as we were trying to stay ahead of the winter weather on the way home last night (Sorry David!).
Matt and Jacob - feeding time in the truck at a rest area late last night.
Joseph with me in the truck.