Sunday, March 04, 2007

How Things Change

We are quickly realizing how babies take over your life and house! We're slowing losing real estate in our living room as more "baby stuff" acculumate. You probably saw in an earlier post the two swings that we needed. We also have a Graco playpen and double bassinet plus change table in the living room. Of course, we have a change table/dresser with the two cribs upstairs. Now as we are learning how important the babies need "tummy time" - we have two playmats on the floor also.

The need to finish the basement for additional living space if fast approaching!

Jacob and Joseph on their new mats for Tummy Time
Joseph working out

Jacob working out

Joseph resting

Jacob resting

It's a bit crowded for both babies on one mat!


Gayla said...

it is amazing how much stuff babies need! i remember being pregnant and thinking, " it's all a big marketing scam! no one needs all that stuff!" and then jack was born... and we went shopping... ;-)

Chocolate Shaman said...

Hey Tamara...the boys are really amazing. Thanks for sharing the photos! It's also amazing how fast they grow oldest, Tiffany, is graduating from high school in May and going off to college in Savannah Georgia in the fall. Wow!

Out of curiosity, I'm going to Minneapolis in May for a conference. Is there anything in the area that you'd recommend checking out? I know that my only limitation is that I'll probably not be renting a car, and I'll be in the downtown area.

I'm so happy for you and Matt!!! Love to you both...
