Monday, January 15, 2007

35 weeks 4 days and Still Waiting...

Went in for an ultrasound again today. Both Matt and Matt's mom were able to come along. The babies are healthy -- good heartbeats, lots of movement and both were doing their breathing exercises. Joseph's head has dropped down so I'm really hoping that I'll be dialated at my doctor's appointment on Thursday. The growth measurements didn't quite show the growth they were expecting on one of the babies so they're sending me back down to Beaumont Royal Oak for a more detailed ultrasound to see how the placenta's holding up and if both babies are getting the proper nutrition. I hope to get this appointment booked soon so we can make sure all is well. Here's some more photos...

1 comment:

Gayla said...

Looks like you are hanging in there! I'm sure you are totally ready to hold them in your arms and not in your tummy. I love the 3-d ultrasound pics. Very cool!!!

I'll be thinking of you!