Monday, February 12, 2007

Life At Home

Well, the babies have been home for a week and a half. They're growing quickly and still as beautiful as ever. They had their first pedatrician appointment on February 2nd - Joseph weighed in at 6 lbs 2 oz and Jacob at 5 lbs 12 oz. And they've grown even more since then!

Sleep is very precious right now as the boys' feeding schedule dictates our entire day.

We were lucky to have Matt's mom and dad staying with us since the beginning of January. Donna (Matt's mom) kept the house amazingly clean, provided delicious meals at all sorts of hours, baked lots of cookies and even painted our downstairs bathroom with this fantastic suade texture. The babies received lots of love and attention from Grandpa and Grandma and we were all very sad to see them go back to Minnesota on Thursday.

So Matt and I were on our own with the boys this past weekend. We ventured out on a couple quick roadtrips. Friday, we had lunch at a Greek restaurant on the way to a special grocery store where everything is organic. Saturday, we went to Babies R'Us to get a few things including diapers (which we are going through like mad). Joseph and Jacob pretty much sleep whenever we go out and then when we get back, they're wide awake and we're ready for a nap.

We love when they are awake and alert. They have so much personality already! Check out these characters....

The above photos were just a few of many we took one day just trying to capture all their adorable expressions. Thanks to my sister Tanya and her husband Dave, we now have a flickr account where we are posting all the photos. If you want to check them all out, here's the link:


Gayla said...

So SWEET!!! I love it! We just celebrated Jack's 6th birthday this past weekend and I got out his baby book to write about how we celebrated and started looking at all his baby pics... Tam, you won't believe how quickly they will grow!!! I know you are soaking up every minute.

(check out the Pirate Party pics on my blog.)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the proud mom and dad. What beautiful boys. I'm beaming with happiness for the both of you. Take care and be safe. The winter storm is about to hit in a couple of hours.