Friday, October 19, 2007

Yes...they're 9 months old!

Okay...I knew the boys were growing up, but it seems that they are learning how to do new things every day.

Just this week, they are grabbing on to everything (even each other) to get to a standing position and then walk around the room....from change table, to jumperoo, to toy chest, to ottoman...

Of course, sometimes one doesn't like being stepped on or pushed out of the way (like Joseph is below)...but it's a great shot of some of his teeth. They both have 8 teeth with more coming out.

And the toy I showed in the last post....they love climbing through it, on it, walking around's Jacob....

And Joseph.....

It's so much fun right now...

  • Joseph knows how to wave bye-bye, but won't say it. Jacob will say bye-bye, but won't wave it. Go figure.

  • They love to play peek-a-boo with anyone, even each other. Just last night they were hiding from each other behind the laundry hamper, laughing away at each other.

  • They learn everything so quickly. We just got a new toy - a ball/hoop combo that I didn't think they would play with for a while. After just showing the boys how it works a couple times, Joe put the ball in the basket by himself....

Since I wanted to make sure I took some good photos at 9 months, I went a little overboard because they are so funny. So if you want, you can visit my flickr account to see all the photos I took today:

1 comment:

Gayla said...

FUN!!! It must be amazing to have twins...