Saturday, March 01, 2008

Our New Sled

The last few times we went sledding, the boys were not too enthusiastic. They had a tendancy to fall off of the sled or onto each other. So I found this gem of a sled at "One Step Ahead" (love this catalog).

So after the morning nap, we took the boys out on the new sled. Much more comfortable - but it was a little bright outside (great seeing the sun).

So I ran inside and got their sunglasses and we were good to go. Here's Joseph....

And Jacob.....

Don't they look happy??

We went down the hill by the house, walked through the woods and even went around the block. No crying at all. Joseph was so comfortable that he took a quick snooze at the end.

Here's Jacob with Daddy after our long walk.

And some video of our beautiful morning...

1 comment:

Gayla said...

that is one AWESOME sled! me next! me next!

(LOVE one step ahead!)