Saturday, January 05, 2008

My future prodigies

I've played the piano throughout my pregnancy, while the boys were babies, and as they've grown this past year. But now that they can get around by themselves easily, I don't get a note in because they always want to play the piano.

What's really funny is that they are extremely expressive when they play the piano. Jacob will lean his head back, close his eyes (Ray Charles like). Do I do that?

Joseph tends to lean into the piano when he's playing and he likes to use the WHOLE keyboard.

Of course, if they don't end up being musicians, they are just going to be brutes because they love to ram around the house. Matt dug this truck out of the basement and this is the latest "favorite" toy.

1 comment:

Gayla said...

Oh, Tam. If your boys aren't musical... well, it's just not possible w/ someone as talented as you for a mom!

Now, my boys on the other hand...

I had always been told that if you sing to your children, they will be able to sing. Well... I actually wonder if Jack is tone deaf- and I'm not joking. He loves music and even loves to sing... but it ain't pretty. Ben can carry a tune, but my hopes for a brothers duet will just have to be put on the shelf. :-)