Sunday, January 13, 2008

"Perfect" Playmates

First, I know I haven't been posting any pictures lately, only videos. Here's the reason why....all of my pictures lately look like this...

They don't sit still anymore....

Here's little Jacob showing off his new walking skills....

And I do have a couple cute video clips of the boys playing together. They just love playing together.

1 comment:

Gayla said...

HA! LOVE the blurry pics. Keep them- they look hilarious in a scrapbook. I didn't have that problem w/ Jack- he's a cheeser and has always loved to pose for a photo. But Ben... he was a blur for years!!! Sooooo hard to get a family photo w/ him for so long. (still hard- did you see our Christmas card on my blog? he's so miserable while Jack is like, "cheese!" :-)